Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Chapter 5. Consciousness

Consciousness is a psychological construct; the word itself means ¨awareness¨. There are three levels of consciousness, such as preconscious, unconscious and non conscious. In this essay I will talk about sleep and dreams; specially their stages. Meditation, hypnosis, biofeedback. And drugs such as depressants, hallucinogens and stimulants.

There are three levels of consciousness, preconscious level is when our ideas are not organised therefor they are not clearly seen, but we can still become aware of them. Then we have the unconscious level or subconscious level that is when we are not aware at all. And then mi have the nonconscious level that is when we do things without thinking. Most of the time we know what we are doing, many of these things were not taught to us, things such as breathing, heart beating, nail growing and more. 

Sleep has stages which are seen in brain-wave patterns measured in electroencephalograph. Stage 1 is the stage with less sleep, brain waves slow down until they reach the slower pattern of the theta waves. This stage lasts about 30-40 minutes if we are not awakened during this time. Then we go through stages 2, 3, 4. Sleep becomes deeper; while we sleep we breathe more irregularly, blood pressure rises and the heart beats faster. After all these four stages we move to REM sleep or rapid-eye-movement stage is where we have our most dreams. Sleep is very important because we relax our tired body, build resistance to infection, recover form stress and many other things. Lucid dreaming is when we are dreaming but we see something strange, usually out of reality and then we know we are just dreaming.
Also people can manage to wake up during lucid dreaming; during this we are conscious that we are just dreaming.

Meditation is a method some people use to try to narrow their consciousness so that the stresses of the outside world fade away. Meditation focuses on peaceful, repetitive stimulus. Biofeedback is a system that provides, or ¨feeds back,¨ about something happening in the body. During this training people learn how to control some body functions, such as heart beat. This should be done only with the supervision of a medical professional. Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness during which people respond to suggestions and behave as though they are in trance. This process should be done by an specialized person. According to Freud when people are hypnotized they allow themselves to turn into a childish behavior. Fantasy is before fact and logic. According to other ideas people that are hypnotized are in a play where they can be easily manipulated and look like if what they are doing is real. 

Drugs are something us as adolescence live with everyday. Nowadays they are very commonly used. Our environment is full of them; even if we do not notice them. Some people take them without knowing that they are or not being aware of might happen to them and get somehow addicted. Addiction to a drug is when after a person has taken a drug and their body asks them for more to feel good. Depressants also known as ¨downers, opaites and downers¨ are also drugs that slow the activity of the nervous system. The most common examples of depressants are alcohol and narcotics. Depressants are addictive. Stimulants or ¨ uppers¨ increase the nervous system activity. They speed up the heart and breathing rates. Some examples of stimulants are cocaine, nicotine and amphetamines; this are addictive. Hallucinogens also known as psychodelics are drugs that produce hallucinations, that can cause relaxation or feeling of pleasure. Marihuana and LSD are some example of hallucinogens. This are not addictive.

In conclusion, consciousness may vary. Depending on the person and the circumstances where they are in. This is something similar to sleeping and dreams which we can learn to identify and control them such as lucid dreaming. Hypnosis, meditation and biofeedbacks are ways to manage our environment usually used to relax or feel free of reality problems. This things have to be done by specialized people. Also some drugs such as depressants and stimulants are addictive and others such as hallucinogens are not. Still many drugs are used for medicinal purposes but most of them are used for recreational purposes; therefor the mayority of them are not legalized. 

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