refers to the sex of a person. Every person is different from other. For
example, in food. Some people like sour things and other sweet, or you may like
a certain kind of food but others do not. But difference are not always the
most obvious ones, there are some more difficult to find like cognitive, or
intellectual, abilities and differences in personality and behavior.
Differences do not exist between the genders. Most biologists believe that
genes for traits that help individuals survive and reproduce tend to be passed
on to future generations. Gender variations may change during time and culture.
Some psychologists believe that gender typing occurs because men and women
differ in the organization and functioning of their brains. Sigmund Freud
psychoanalytic theory argues that gender typing can be explained in terms of
gender identification. According to him, boys come to identify with their
fathers and girls with their mothers. It is through the process of
identification with the same-sex parent that a child comes to develop the
behaviors that are associated with his or her own sex.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Chapter 15. Psychological Tests.
presentation was very clear to me, even though I knew most of the information
given. Psychological tests assess abilities, feelings, attitudes and behaviors.
This help can be helpful for people to make decisions. Achievement tests,
aptitude tests and tests of interests are all related. Psychologists use
personality tests to describe and measure various aspects of people´s
personalities. Most of the tests we take, we know we are having them with
anticipation. One big example of this is the SAT, schools usually program them
with specific dates. So they give us a amount of time to study well and get
prepared. There are many types of test parts such as, true and false,
short-answer questions, essay questions and multiple choice questions. For
multiple choice questions we first leave out what we are sure they are not
right and then try with the possible answers. When taking tests we should
gather information, practice and be test-wise. Most of the tests we take at
school are achievement tests. These are tests that that measure people´s
abilities, or aptitudes. But other tests help people identify their interests.
Personality tests are usually used to identify psychological problems and
disorders. There are two types of
personality tests: objective tests and projective tests.
Chapter 10.Social Cognition
Attitudes are beliefs and feelings about objects, people,
and events that can affect how people behave in certain situations. A person´s
attitude about strangers, for example, can influence how that person feels and
behaves around people he or she does not know. Cognitive evaluation is when people evaluate evidence and form
beliefs on the basis of their evaluations. Part of this process is learning and
evaluating data. Cognitive anchors or
persistent beliefs that shape the ways in which he or she sees the world and
interprets events. This anchors tend to keep people from changing.
Persuasion is a direct attempt to influence other people´s
attitudes or views. Parents, for example, may try to persuade their children to
adopt the same values that they hold. Central
route uses evidence and logical arguments to persuade people. Peripheral route attempts to associate
objects, people, or events with positive or negative cues. Two sided arguments is where people present not only their side of
the argument but also the opposition´s side. Emotional appeals persuade by arousing such feelings as royalty,
desire, or fear rather than by convincing through evidence and logic. Most
messages are aimed at a specific audience. People with sales resistance have no trouble turning down requests to buy
products or services.
Prejudice is a generalized attitude toward a specific
group of people. People who are prejudice judge other people on the basis of
their group membership rather than as individuals. Stereotypes are unchanging,
oversimplified, and usually distorted beliefs about groups of people. Discrimination refers to the unfair
treatment of individuals because they are members of a particular group. For
example, people may denied jobs, housing, voting privileges, or other rights
because of their skin color, sex, or religion. Some causes of prejudice are:
exaggerating differences, justifying economic status, social learning, victimization
and scapegoating. Primacy effect is the tendency for people to form opinions of
others on the basis of the first impressions. Recency effect occurs when people change their opinions of others
on the basis of recent interactions instead of holding on their first
impressions. Attribution therapy; according
to this people tend to explain behavior in terms of either dispositional, or
personality, factors or in terms of situational, or external, factors.
observer bias occurs because we tend to judge others only by the behavior
we witness, and people´s behavior may not always be a true reflection of their
personalities. Fundamental attribution
error is the tendency to overestimate the effect of dispositional causes for
another person’s behavior, and to underestimate the effect of situational
causes. Self-serving bias allows
individuals to place the blame for their failures on circumstances outside to
place the blame for their failure on circumstances outside their control. Attraction is a kind of attitude.
Attraction to another person often leads to friendship or love. Physical
appearance tend to influence in the choosing of our friends and partners. Matching hypothesis is where people
tend to choose as friends and partners those who are similar to themselves in
Love and
friendship have important roles in social cognitive. Both of these words are
used in our daily lives. We tend to attach to people, who we trust, respect and
have affection for. For every love
relationship there should be passion, commitment, and intimacy.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Chapter 19. Methods of Therapy
Psychotherapy involves verbal interactions between a trained
professional and a person usually called the client or patient who is seeking
for help for a physical problem. Biologically based therapies involve the use
of drugs or other medical procedures to treat psychological disorders.
Counselling psychologists generally treat people with less serious
psychological problems. This psychologists usually work at schools. Clinical
psychologists help people with psychological problems adjust to the demands of
life. Many clinical psychologist work in hospitals or clinics. Psychiatrists
are medical doctors and many have private practices.
have several techniques to help their patients. The first one is free association where the analyst asks
the client to relax and then to say whatever comes to mind. Resistance is the term psychoanalysts
use to refer to a client´s hesitancy or unwillingness to discuss issues raised
during free association. The second technique is dream analysis is when the analyst interprets the content of
client´s dreams to unlock these unconscious thoughts and feelings. Transference is when the client is
transferring feelings and expectations from one person to another.
Humanistic therapy is to help individuals reach their full
potential. Person-centered therapy was developed in the early 1950s by Carl
Rogers. Nondirective therapy is
talking openly of about what ever may be troubling them. Active listening is a widely used communication technique in which
the listener repeats, rephrases, and asks for clarification of the statements
made by the speaker. Cognitive therapy and behavior therapy are considered
together because both methods share the same goal; to help client develop new
ways of thinking and behaving.
therapy is to help people learn to think about their problems in more
productive ways. Cognitive psychologists focus on their beliefs, attitudes and
thought processes that create and compound their clients´ problems. Rational-emotive behavior therapy is
based on Ellis´s belief that people are basically logical in their thinking and
actions. Behavior therapy or
behavior modification helps people develop more adaptive behavior. Behaviorists
believe that both desirable and undesirable behaviors are largely learned and
that people with psychological problems have learned unhealthy ways of
behaving. Aversive conditioning, is the opposite systematic desensitization. Operant conditioning is based on the
assumption that behavior that is reinforced tends to repeat, whereas behavior
that is not reinforced tends to extinguish. Drug therapy is the most widely
used biological treatment for psychological problems. Antianxiety drugs are used as an outpatient treatment to help
people with anxiety disorders or panic attacks. Antidepressant drugs are used in the treatment of eating disorders
and panic disorder. Antipsychotic drugs are
effective for reducing agitation, delusions and hallucinations.
Psychosurgery is a brain surgery that is performed to treat
psychological disorders. Psychological and physical problems have multiple ways
to be solved. They are very common in human beings, no matter if they are big
or small. People who care about this problems are interested in helping people
cope with this issues.
Chapter 17. Stress and Health
Stress is the arousal of one´s mind and body in
response to demands made upon them. There are different sources of stress
including frustration, daily hassles, life changes, and conflict. Not all
stresses are bad. Positive stress is called eustress and negative stress is called distress that is intense pressure of anxiety that can have severe
psychological and physical effects.
Stress has
different sources, the first one is frustration.
This is one of the most common sources of stress that means that we are
being blocked from obtaining a goal. Examples of this is being delayed from
keeping an appointment, lacking enough money to buy an object we really need or
want, or forgetting something important. Daily
hassles is another source of stress and this are the everyday frustrations
we all experience. Life changes: such
moving, serious illness or a death in the family. Conflict is another source of stress, this is being pulled in two
or more directions by opposing forces or motives. An example of a conflict is
when we are applying to a college. Let´s say that we have been accepted in
three colleges, and we have the pressure on deciding to which are we going to
go. There are three types of conflict approach-approach
conflict that is the least stressful type of conflict because the choices are
positive. Avoidance-avoidance conflict is
a single goal that can produce both avoidance and approach motives. And multiple approach-avoidance conflict is
that each alternative courses of action has its advantages and disadvantages.
General adaptation syndrome has three stages, and alarm
reaction, a resistance stage and an exhaustion stage. The alarm reaction is initiated when a stressor is perceived. This
reaction mobilizes the body for defensive action. The resistance stage happens if the alarm reaction mobilizes the body
and the stressor is not removed. During this stage people attempt to find a way
to cope with the stressor to avoid being overwhelmed by their negative
reactions to the stressor. And the exhaustion
stage happens if the stressor is still not removed. At this stage the
adrenal and the other glands activated by the fight-or-fight reaction can no
longer continue to secrete hormones. When people have stress they are more
common to have a great variety of disease causing organisms. The immune system
prevents disease by producing white blood cells that destroy these.
There are
several ways to cope stress. Defensive
coping is one way to reduce the immediate effects of a stressor, but it is
probably, but it is probably not the most desirable way. Defensive coping may
give people time to gather their resources, but it does not eliminate the
source of stress or improve the effectiveness of one´s response to stress. Substance abuse is that some teenagers
use alcohol, tranquilizers, and other drugs to try to reduce feelings of
stress. Aggression is used by some
people that use violence to cope with stressful situations. Suicide happens when people feel so
much stress that they just kill themselves.
Stress can
have many consequences in our lives, some big and other small. We fight against
stress in our daily basis and everyone has their own kind of stress. Stress can
cause many physical conflicts such as losing hair, biting our nails and much
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